Beth Jones
Hey! My name is Beth, I am a Fashion Design Student at the University of South Wales in Cardiff, currently pursuing a placement year as part of my degree to gain valuable experience working in the Fashion Industry. I began working with Llên Studio in November 2020 as a Design Engineer Intern and have been here for a few months now. Valuable experience like this has helped me massively improve my skills both as a designer. Llên’s background in engineering has provided a completely different outlook on design and construction, ensuring every garment is creatively considered. I have assisted on projects such the Llên Studio and Creatives Militia collaboration, from construction of garments to branding and promotion tasks. Working with Llên has allowed me to understand what it takes to start a business, giving me an excellent insight to what it takes to run your own business and work in today’s Fashion industry. At Llen Studio we are always encouraged to voice our opinions and embrace our creativity. Working closely as a team has allowed us to put all of our skills together and create something great whilst always aiming to be as sustainable and ethically conscious as possible.
Llên Studio is a sustainable and ethical brand based on Welsh and Danish heritage. Being Welsh myself I have embraced the opportunity to work with a Cardiff based brand, which shares the same values as I do. It is important to me as an upcoming designer in today’s industry to work as sustainably and ethically as possible, Llen Studio has allowed me to do this and really understand the importance of how any step no matter how small, is important to making a difference and a change. This is something we are passionate about at Llên, determined to better ourselves as individuals and as a company.
Beth X

Lewis Waterworth
My name is Lewis, I moved to South Wales to pursue Fashion Design at University. I am originally from the West Midlands. Currently I am in my placement year; this year will help me to expand my network getting to understand brands and gaining industry experience in a variety of areas. For example, with LLEN I will be able to expand my knowledge on how a small sustainable business is run from behind the scenes.
My favourite thing about fashion is that it gives you the freedom to express yourself in the way it makes you feel most comfortable. For me this includes shopping with sustainable brands, that promote slow fashion and strong ethics. I also enjoy having a browse in a charity shop or a second hand shop.
When I graduate University, I hope to be in the position where I can get a job in industry working in a business that shares similar interests and ethics to mine and that I can help me improve my knowledge of business and specialist skills.

Libby Weeks
Hi! I’m Libby and I am a fashion design student at USW in Cardiff. I am currently on my placement year in an attempt to gain experience in various aspects of the fashion industry and put what I have learnt throughout my education so far to use in an industry setting. I am eager to get started and I am especially happy that Llên Studios is my first place of internship!
As part of the role, I will be assisting in various tasks from collection prep to construction as well as learning about what it takes to run a successful small fashion brand.
I have a particular interest in bespoke and tailored clothing and an overall love for garment construction. I love the finer details and taking the time to perfect something by hand. However, I am excited to tackle all parts of the process.
I’m also eager to learn more about slow fashion and implement this into my future designs and brand.
I feel that I have a lot to learn from Lenn. With her background in Engineering, it will broaden my view allowing me to look at design in a different way. It is my goal to return to my final year with a deeper knowledge and understanding of fashion which will help contribute to my final collection.
This year I want to focus on discovering my identity as a designer and I think that interning at Llên will be the perfect opportunity to do so and express my creativity.
I am very excited to be a part of such a great team and I am looking forward to what is ahead!